Friday, June 26, 2009

Beach Wedding

I shot a beach wedding over the weekend. Here's a shot from it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

RVA Magazine

RVA Magazine has their first annual photo issue out now, and I'm very honored to have been apart of it. Check out a full interview on me and my photography.

Richmond to NYC and Back: Rebecca Ward


I shot the American Red Cross festival in Alexandria Virginia on Saturday, my friends the Pat McGee Band headlined, while VACO and Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers took the stage before. I usually shoot the live shows, but because I shoot PMB so often, I tend not too anymore because,really, how many of the same shots do I need? I've started to shoot more behind the scenes at shows and am enjoying it. Its always great photographing your friends. Here's a shot from right before they took the stage.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

These are my babies.

I was bored in my studio today and decided to shoot some of my film cameras. Aren't they beautiful? If you happen to have any vintage cameras in your attic, I would love to have more :)