Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Winston is an 80's Prom Date this year :)

New Doc. Series Posted

Soooo I've finally found the time to post a BRAND NEW documentary photo series. It's actually a very freeing feeling for me to post this new work because it's work that I did for me. Documentary color work is my absolute passion, so to be able to find time to do this feels great because I am usually swamped with client based photo work. I was able to create fine art again and it feels awesome!!!

check out the whole series here:

Vote Obama Nov 4th!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

We Need Change Rally, Oct 22nd 2008

On Wednesday October 22nd of 2008, I was so lucky to have gained access to an official Barack Obama media press credential. Being a major Obama/Biden supporter, I couldn't sleep the night before due to excitement and anticipation! This was to be a big day for me as a news photojournalist. This was my first National assignment I would cover, let alone my first time photographing a political figure. Well, I take that back, I photographed Gov. Gilmore a few weeks back when he popped into our newsroom for an interview. But this is OBAMA!! Out of all the well known people/musicians I have photographed, Barack is by far the greatest.

Wednesday morning came, and I arrived at the Richmond Coliseum at 8am for the media will-call. People were lined outside for blocks waiting for the doors to open at 11am. All the news reporters, photographers, and tv stations waited outside our special entrance while The Secret Service swept the venue with bomb dogs. Once entering, I had to take all my photo equipment apart, removing all of the caps from my camera body and caps from lenses, and the battery. Then putting the camera back together and turning it on, and of course searching me for anything dangerous. Of course I was clean, I LOVE OBAMA! I was directed to a table where I had to show proper ID and my state police press credential, the lady found my name on the media rsvp list, and I was given my official Obama press credential.

As I walked into the empty stadium, I remember feeling so anxious. The TV crews were setting up on the risers, and I found my spot along the press barricade from the stage where Barack would be standing in just a few hours. I was among press from CNN, Rock The Vote, MTV's Vote or Die, Msnbc, Fox, Washington Post, Associated Press, and of course all the local Richmond Va media outlets. As the hours past, the venue filled up with Obama supporters. Chants were floating through the crowd, like, "We want "That One" for President" - poking fun at the 2nd debate where McCain referred to Obama as "That One". Others included "Yes We Can!" and "O-Ba-Ma". Music was blasting to get the 13,000 people pumped and excited for the upcoming speech. Yes, 13,000 people filled every single seat of the Coliseum. And what amazes me, is 7,000 people who could not get in, stayed outside of the venue with just as much enthusiasm and support for the man of the hour.

The program was to start at 12:15pm, but did not begin until an hour later because Obama took the time to give the same speech to those 7,000 supporters outside the venue! What an amazing guy!

First to take the stage was the Mayor of Richmond, L. Douglas Wilder. Followed by Wilder was our wonderful Gov. Tim Kane. He spoke about his support for Barack, as well as what his future plans are for Virginia. Next to take the stage was Gov. Mark Warner whom is running for Senate!

And with the crowd going wild, Senator Barack Obama graces the stage. The three politicians embrace hands and stage united as one as an incredible dream team! Hoping that the state of Virginia will become a Democratic state!

I began clicking away on my camera! As well as I recorded some video, but most importantly I listened to the words that Barack said to us. I literally had goosebumps after every valid and promising point he made in his speech, and I know I had goosebumps because not only do I truly believe in what great changes Obama will bring to Washington, not only because the 13,000 supporters in the room believe in Barack, but because Barack Obama truly believes in his values and new policies that will bring a great better change for this country. That is what is so inspiring about Barack. He believes in what he can do to better our country and get us out of this mess from the last 8 years.

When all was over, I left the rally feeling as if I could take on anything. His charismatic and prestigious presence, gave everyone inside and outside that venue real hope for our future. Barack Obama is going to do great things for this country, and I am ready for November 4th to Vote for Barack Obama.

Monday, October 20, 2008


i bought a wacom tablet yesterday. i haven't used it yet, but i'm really excited too. hopefully i can do some new things with editing.

Friday, October 17, 2008


It's sad to know American's are so ignorant and will be voting in a couple weeks...

Please vote Obama!

Winston is a rockstar

All I have to say in this post, is that I really love my pug Winston. And this photo will explain why he is so awesome.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I promise... errr.. maybe..

I seriously do plan to blog again, like I did while in NYC... I have all those blogs on archive on my website if you miss my awkward humor via blogging and vlogging (video+blog=vlog)

anywho, I have lots of events coming up and past humorous stories to tell!

Becca is back :)

Oh, and VOTE OBAMA!!!!!!